Welcome to BXSCC Business Matchmaking Forum
Online Business Matchmaking Forum is developed, hosted and owned by Baltimore-Xiamen Sister City Committee (BXSCC) in its cooperation with China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT)-Xiamen Sub Branch, with the purpose of fostering and enhancing bilateral relations between business communities of the two cities. Please contact baltimorexiamen@gmail.com for any questions.
Disclaimer and the Forum’s Policy
1. Guests without a username or without logging in have access to seeing the information on the forum; therefore, the information you choose to share and exchange on the forum are considered not confidential and non-proprietary. Under no circumstances shall Baltimore-Xiamen Sister City Committee (BXSCC) and the Business Matchmaking Forum on the Committee’s official website (the Forum) bear any responsibility for any losses, damages and disputes whatsoever due to the shared information on the forum.
2. Contents of the posts reflect the views of individual forum users only. The Forum does not endorse posts on the Forum in any way, and it does not verify the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any message. BXSCC and the Forum bear no responsibility for accuracy of participant comments and will bear no legal liability for discussion results.
3. Any links to third party websites appeared on the Forum are provided for the convenience of the users only who distributed such information. The BXSCC and the Forum do not review each third party websites and have no responsibility for such third party websites or their contents.
4. Link to the Forum may only be done on the basis that the no page of the Forum is replicated, and that no implications are made that the BXSCC or the Forum endorses any services or products unless it has been specifically agreed with BXSCC or the Forum. In the event of the breach of such principle, BXSCC and the Forum reserve the rights to pursue indemnification for any loss or damage suffered as a result of such actions.
5. The Forum fully recognizes the users’ rights and freedom of expression. In order to maintain a healthy and reasonable platform of etiquette which is conducive to yielding effective and efficient communication among participants, the Forum may remove posts and replies which do not contribute to new ideas, which do not relate to the purpose of the Forum, or which are in lack of appropriate decorum.
6. The Forum reserves the right to adjust and modify this Disclaimer and the Forum’s Policy.
1. 本论坛是开放式论坛,访客可以阅读论坛上所有发布信息的内容。因此,用户在论坛上选择分享和交流的信息不属于隐私或敏感信息。巴尔的摩-厦门姐妹城委员会(以下简称“委员会”)以及委员会官方网站的商业对接论坛(以下简称“论坛”)对论坛上交流和分享的信息所引起的相关后果不承担任何责任。
2. 论坛上所分享和交流的信息只反映用户本人的观点和意见。论坛不核实任何信息的真实性、准确性、完整性和可用性。委员会以及论坛对由于论坛信息引起的相关后果不承担任何责任。
3. 论坛信息中出现的任何第三方网站链接必须服务于链接发布用户在论坛的交流便利之用。论坛不审核第三方网站链接的内容。委员会以及论坛对第三方网站链接及其内容所引起的相关后果不承担任何责任。
4. 提供论坛的网页链接必须符合以下要求:不得复制论坛的任何页面;除非实际存在的特定合作关系,不得暗示委员会或论坛批准核实任何产品或服务。对于因违背本条款而造成委员会或论坛损失、损害的用户,委员会和论坛保留要求相关责任方赔偿和弥补损失的权利。
5. 论坛充分尊重用户的言论自由和权利。为维护一个健康、和谐的交流平台,达到让用户有效和高效交流的目的,论坛保留删除下列信息的权利:无利于交流的信息;与论坛宗旨和目的不相符的信息;包含不文明、诽谤性言辞的信息。
6. 论坛保留修改本免责声明与用户协议的权利。
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