News and Media – 2010

Xiamen Business Delegation Visits Baltimore December 19th & 20th, 2010 BXSCC hosted a seven-member business delegation facilitated by our partners in CCPIT Xiamen. Delegation activities included business meetings at the Baltimore Development Corporation and a highlight tour of Baltimore. Holiday Party Celebrates BXSCC’s 25th Anniversary December 3rd, 2010 The BXSCC celebrated its 25th year with…

News and Media – 2009

News and Media – 2009

Baltimore-Xiamen Sister City Committee’s Second Annual Calvin Chin Memorial Dim Sum Brunch Sunday October 25th, 2009 Calvin Chin was a founding member of the Baltimore-Xiamen Sister City Committee and a patriarch of Baltimore’s Chinese community. He passed away on February 12th, 2008. The ZhongShan Restaurant in Baltimore’s Chinatown is at the same location where he…

News and Media – 2008

Henan Province Business Delegation December 4th, 2008 A ten-person delegation of business executives from Henan Province, China’s most populous province (99 million), was hosted by the Baltimore-Xiamen Sister City Committee and the Baltimore Development Corporation (BDC) at an afternoon information and matchmaking session held at BDC’s headquarters. Attending from the Baltimore side were senior representatives…